30 November 2012

Floppy Table made from rolled steel, with hidden compartment

Floppy Table made from rolled steel, with hidden compartment


Neulant van Exel's Floppy Table is made from rolled steel, and its dust-guard slides aside to reveal a cavity for storing your TV remote. No pricing info, so I assume this is one of those, "If you have you ask, you can't afford it" deals.


Hot-rolled steel (welded)

Stainless steel (welded)


27.56" width x 25.59" height x 17.72" depth

70cm width x 45cm height x 65cm depth

Extras: Secret space

Floppy Table (via JWZ )

via Boing Boing http://boingboing.net/2012/11/29/floppy-table-made-from-rolled.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+boingboing%2FiBag+%28Boing+Boing%29

28 November 2012

Arte-Dokumentation: Wie Armut gemacht wird

Arte-Dokumentation: Wie Armut gemacht wird


Das Elend vor unserer Haustür: Arte widmet sich in einer Doku-Reihe dem Thema globale Armut. Den Auftakt macht ein Film, der eindringlich zeigt, wie neoliberale Reformen Menschen in ganz Europa langsam ins Abseits treiben - und wie Deutschland dabei mit schlechtem Vorbild voran geht.

via SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/tv/die-arte-doku-gemachte-armut-zeigt-die-verelendung-in-europa-a-869514.html

26 November 2012

Soziale Netzwerke: Diese Facebook-Alternativen sind einen Blick wert

Soziale Netzwerke: Diese Facebook-Alternativen sind einen Blick wert


Genug von Facebook und seiner Datengier? Diaspora und andere Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerke geben den Nutzern mehr Kontrolle über ihre Privatsphäre. Welche Angebote gibt es, was taugen sie? Der Überblick zeigt vielversprechende Alternativen zu den großen Konzern-Netzwerken.

via SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/soziale-netzwerke-alternativen-zu-facebook-a-868293.html

25 November 2012

Great gear for your favorite photog

Great gear for your favorite photog



This post is sponsored by Best Buy. What will your gift do?


You don’t take a photograph, you make it. - Ansel Adams

With that in mind, here is a fine collection of tools to make beautiful photographs. The rest is in the eye of the beholder.

* Nikon D3100 14.2-Megapixel DSLR Camera with 18-55mm VR Lens. We prefer red.

* Nikon - AF-S DX Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6 Zoom Lens. One of the two lenses that are all almost anyone would ever need.

* Nikon - Nikkor 50mm f/1.8G AF-S Lens. Beyond these two, you're starting a collection and that can get dangerous.

* Nikon - SB-700 AF Speedlight External Flash. Light has color.

* Manfrotto - 055 Series 70.3" Tripod. Steady as she goes.

* Manfrotto - Ball Head. With mounts, you get what you pay for.

* PNY - 32GB Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC) Class 4 Memory Card. Memory is cheap; buy several.

* Lowepro - Slingshot 102 AW Camera Shoulder Bag. Take care of your toys.

via Boing Boing http://boingboing.net/2012/11/23/great-gear-for-your-favorite-p.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+boingboing%2FiBag+%28Boing+Boing%29

Honeywell's Kitchen Computer: the 1969 behemoth that didn't sell a single unit

Honeywell's Kitchen Computer: the 1969 behemoth that didn't sell a single unit


Wired's Daniela Hernandez has an in-depth history of the Honeywell Kitchen Computer, a minicomputer that could track recipes and offer meal plans, which was listed in the 1969 Neiman-Marcus Christmas catalog, though none ever sold. Not only were the technical challenges associated with installing one of these were formidable, they were also pitched for solving a problem that wasn't really much of a problem.

I always imagined the design meeting for this going something like:

"I bet rich people would love to have the bragging rights you'd get from having a computer in their house, it'd be like having your own personal Apollo mission."

"Yeah, but what would they use 'em for? Let's ask Poindexter if he's got any ideas."

"Mrr, yes gentlemen, well, you see, computers are very good at tabulating long columns of numbers, solving differential equations, and managing 'data-bases', these being complex records, such as those used for human resources departments to keep track of the various attributes of employees and such..."



"So, uh, these data-bases, is that something you know, normal people might use? Something you'd keep around the house?"

"Oh yes! Your Christmas card list on 3x5 cards, or a list of recipes --"

"Recipes, you say?"

And off they went. Of course, in trying to improve things that worked well already (and without any input from the people whose problems they were notionally solving), Honeywell fell into the pit of "insufficient weirdness" -- imagining a future that was much like the present, only moreso. Computers that organized recipes, not computers that let you take pictures of your lunch and instantaneously share them with friends around the world.

Without a teletype, a programmer would need to enter software into the Honeywell using the 16 buttons on the front panel, each of which corresponds to a bit. A pressed button represented a one, and un-pushed button signaled a zero. “The chances that you would get a program right doing it one bit at a time like that were so low,” Spicer said. “The first peripheral people bought for [the Honeywell] was a teletype so they could speak to it.”

Now try to imagine all that in late 1960s kitchen. A full H316 system wouldn’t have fit in most kitchens, says design historian Paul Atkinson of Britain’s Sheffield Halam University. Plus, it would have looked entirely out of place. The thought that an average person, like a housewife, could have used it to streamline chores like cooking or bookkeeping was ridiculous, even if she aced the two-week programming course included in the $10,600 price tag.

If the lady of the house wanted to build her family’s dinner around broccoli, she’d have to code in the green veggie as 0001101000. The kitchen computer would then suggest foods to pair with broccoli from its database by “speaking” its recommendations as a series of flashing lights. Think of a primitive version of KITT, without the sexy voice.

Before the iPad, There Was the Honeywell Kitchen Computer

via Boing Boing http://boingboing.net/2012/11/23/honeywells-kitchen-computer.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+boingboing%2FiBag+%28Boing+Boing%29

Shark socks that appear to be devouring your legs

Shark socks that appear to be devouring your legs


Tsarina's tshark shocks resemble sharks that are gnawing off the wearer's feet. They come with knit, velcro-attachable remoras! The comments are full of people begging to buy a pair of these, but there's no indication at this point that they are for sale, either as patterns or finished articles.

The shark theme has been done, of course; this, however, is the Tshark theme… … and as such it is intended to go farther over the top, and deeper under the bottom, than your average sea-going pedator. (Check out my shiny new neologism that I just this minute made up! “Pedator” - a predator that is worn on the foot, geddit?)

Just When You Thought It Was Safe…. (Thanks, Fipi Lele!)

via Boing Boing http://boingboing.net/2012/11/23/shark-socks-that-appear-to-be.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+boingboing%2FiBag+%28Boing+Boing%29

23 November 2012

BlackBerry 10: AWESOME. If the hardware matches it, RIM is saved

BlackBerry 10: AWESOME. If the hardware matches it, RIM is saved


Our Vulture fondles his way through the new OS

Opinion BlackBerry users have a love-hate relationship with their phones. The devices were often forced upon users rather than chosen. At the same time, the handhelds were the most usable and useful communications gadgets you could put in your pocket.…

via The Register http://www.theregister.co.uk/2012/11/23/bb10_latest_ui/

21 November 2012

A Visual Timeline of the Future

A Visual Timeline of the Future


Proof that in the year 802.701, the world will still exist.

The past has a long history of imagining the future, and humanity has an equally long history of mapping time. Several months ago, I shared a link to a timeline of future events as predicted by famous novels. Italian information visualization designer Giorgia Lupi saw it on Twitter and was inspired to create an ambitious visual version for the Sunday supplement of Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera. Giorgia was recently visiting and after she shared the story, I asked her to create an English edition of the exquisite timeline exclusively for Brain Pickings, which she generously did:

(Click image for hi-res version)

Giorgia explains:

The visualization is built on a main horizontal axis depicting a distorted time-line of events (in fact we put them regularly, in sequence), starting our future-timeline in 2012. The y-axis is dedicated to the year the novel / book foretelling the event was published.

On the lower half of the visualization you can find the original quotes (shortened)

We then wanted to add further layers of analysis to our piece:

- finding out main typologies of foretold events (are they mainly social, scientific, technological, political?)

- discovering and depicting the genre of the book,

- and most of all, dividing them into positive, neutral or negative events.

Finally, good news, in 802.701 the world will still exist!

Here are a few progress sketches for a fascinating glimpse of her process:

See more of Giorgia’s wonderful work on her site, then imbibe some visualization lessons from the world’s top information designers and data artists.

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via Brain Pickings http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2012/11/21/giorgia-lupi-future-timeline/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+brainpickings%2Frss+%28Brain+Pickings%29

14 November 2012

Institutionen und Internet-Zukunft: Hä? Hä? Hä?

Institutionen und Internet-Zukunft: Hä? Hä? Hä?


Mächtige Institutionen in Deutschland verweigern sich konsequent der Internet-Zukunft. Für den normalen Bürger ist das nicht verständlich, immer häufiger fragt man sich "Hä?". Die Grundlagen für unsere neue Lebenswelt schaffen derzeit andere.

via SPIEGEL ONLINE - Schlagzeilen http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/sascha-lobo-der-buerger-versteht-die-institutionen-nicht-mehr-a-866906.html

Instructions for American Servicemen in Britain, 1942

Instructions for American Servicemen in Britain, 1942


Instructions for American Servicemen in Britain is a fascinating and occasionally hilarious guide written for GIs headed to Britain—then half-ruined by war—in 1942. Subjects range from common-sense basics ("instead of railroads, automobiles, and radios, the British will talk about railways, motor-cars, and wireless") to subtle social pitfalls regarding race, sex and income. You can read it online for free; following are some choice excerpts.

The British don't know how to make a good cup of coffee. You don't know how to make a good cup of tea. It's an even swap.

The British are often more reserved in conduct than we. On a small crowded island where forty-five million people live, each man learns to guard his privacy carefully-and is equally careful not to invade another man's privacy.

If you are invited to eat with a family don't eat too much. Otherwise you may eat up their weekly rations.

The British are used to this [monetary] system and they like it, and all your arguments that the American decimal system is better won't convince them.

A British woman officer or non-commissioned officer can and often does give orders to a man private. The men obey smartly and know it is no shame. For British women have proven themselves in this war. They have died at the gun posts ... When you see a girl in khaki or air-force blue with a bit of ribbon on her tunic--remember she didn't get it for knitting more socks than anyone else in Ipswich.

The British have seen a good many Americans and they like Americans. They will like your frankness as long as it is friendly. They will expect you to be generous.

Don't be misled by the British tendency to be soft-spoken and polite. If they need to be, they can be plenty tough. The English language didn't spread across the oceans and over the mountains and jungles and swamps of the world because these people were panty-waists.

The British have theaters and movies (which they call "cinemas") as we do. But the great place of recreation is the "pub."

via Boing Boing http://boingboing.net/2012/11/13/instructions-for-american-serv.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+boingboing%2FiBag+%28Boing+Boing%29

13 November 2012

Up Goer Five

Up Goer Five


Another thing that is a bad problem is if you're flying toward space and the parts start to fall off your space car in the wrong order. If that happens, it means you won't go to space today, or maybe ever.

via xkcd.com http://xkcd.com/1133/

09 November 2012

Frequentists vs. Bayesians

Frequentists vs. Bayesians


'Detector! What would the Bayesian statistician say if I asked him whether the--' [roll] 'I AM A NEUTRINO DETECTOR, NOT A LABYRINTH GUARD. SERIOUSLY, DID YOUR BRAIN FALL OUT?' [roll] '... yes.'

via xkcd.com http://xkcd.com/1132/

08 November 2012

Elon Musk Will Usher In the Era of Electric Cars

Elon Musk Will Usher In the Era of Electric Cars


pigrabbitbear writes "There's a reason why Elon Musk is being called the next Steve Jobs. Like Jobs, he's a visionary, a super successful serial entrepreneur, having made his initial fortune with a company he sold to Compaq before starting Paypal. Like Jobs, he saved his beloved baby Tesla Motors from the brink of oblivion. Like Jobs, [he has] a knack for paradigm-shifting industry disruption. Which means he's also demanding. 'Like Jobs, Elon does not tolerate C or D players,' SpaceX board member and early Tesla investor Steve Jurvetson told BusinessWeek. But while Jobs was slinging multi-colored music players and touchable smartphones, Musk is building rocket ships and electric-powered supercars. It's why his friends describe him as not just Steve Jobs but also John D. Rockefeller and Howard Hughes all wrapped in one. His friend Jon Favreau used Musk as the real-life inspiration for the big screen version of Tony Stark. Elon Musk is a badass."

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

via Slashdot http://tech.slashdot.org/story/12/11/07/2225208/elon-musk-will-usher-in-the-era-of-electric-cars?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Slashdot%2Fslashdot+%28Slashdot%29

07 November 2012

Steuererklärung: Elster fliegt in die Wolke

Steuererklärung: Elster fliegt in die Wolke


Künftig wollen die deutschen Finanzämter Steuererklärungen nur noch elektronisch annehmen. Die nötigen Belege sollen per Smartphone in der Elster-Cloud abgelegt werden.

via Mac & i http://www.heise.de/mac-and-i/meldung/Steuererklaerung-Elster-fliegt-in-die-Wolke-1745288.html

Bericht: Europäische Patentbeamte wollen keinen Bonus

Bericht: Europäische Patentbeamte wollen keinen Bonus


Einem Medienbericht zufolge sprechen sich die Mitarbeiter des Europäischen Patentamts in München gegen die Auszahlung eines Bonus zum Jahresende aus. Eine Belohnung für möglichst viele erteilte Patente sei das falsche Signal.

via heise online News http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Bericht-Europaeische-Patentbeamte-wollen-keinen-Bonus-1745277.html

Donald Trump calls for revolutionary overthrow of American government

Donald Trump calls for revolutionary overthrow of American government


He deleted it, but Wil Wheaton saved it for posterity.

via Boing Boing http://boingboing.net/2012/11/07/donald-trump-calls-for-revolut.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+boingboing%2FiBag+%28Boing+Boing%29

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